Saturday, October 16, 2010


Hi peoples!!! Sorry that I have not written in my blog for such a long time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing new has happened except that I now go to school on Walla-Walla so on week-days I live with my grandma. Well, that's all for now folks! TTYL!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Today's The Day!

Hey guys! Today is the barbecue, which is when I meet my teacher , see what my class looks like, and choose a desk. I'm SOOOO nervous, But i'm also excited. I hope that I make some friends at the barbecue, so that on the first day of school I will have a few friends. The BBQ starts at 5:30 and I have no idea when it ends. Well folks, That's all there is to write for now!!

Hey People!!!

Hey people! sorry its been such a long time since I have wrote! I have so much to tell you!! First is that I'm going to another school! In another town! I'm going to live with my grandma there. Its an hour away from where I live. And I won't even be able to see my best friend Kaitlynn until the weekend! And we're not just any sort of friends! Because we're TRUE friends. Plus, I'm already going into FIFTH GRADE!! I still can't believe it!! And tomorrows the school barbecue, where we (meaning my sis and I) meet our teachers! Like I said peeps, I'm excited, scared, and i think you call this feeling NERVOUS. Well that's all for tonight folks!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hello Again

Hey guys! It's been a long time since I last wrote to you! Ok, here's what's happened since then, My little cousin, Isabel, is now 4 years old, I'm 10 years old, and Kamihle is going to be 8 years old in Sept. I'm also a new fan in this club, called The Only Hearts Club. Today I was able to go to the Pendleton Family Aquatic Center.I had so much fun!! First I went down both the water slides, than I went and jumped off the diving board. Than I played with a new friend I made. After two and a half hours we had to go home. I sure did not want to, though!! Well, thats all for now folks! Good night!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Spending the Night

Yesterday I spent the night at my friend Hannah's house. First Betsy(her mom) picked us up and brought us to Kid's Korner(which she owns). Then Kamihle, Hannah, and I, played for a little before it closed. After that we went to Albertsons to get Lunchables and Powerades(except I got Gatorade). Then we went to Hannah's brother's baseball game(It was only scrimmage). Then we went to get gas. We were able to get candy! I got Nerds. They were DELICIOUS! Hannah got SHOCKERS. She said they were good. And my sister got a chocolate KIT-KAT. After that we went to the place where they were going to rent out a trailer. We had lot's of fun there! Then we went back to the house, and played on Poptropica for a little while the adults blew up the air matress we were going to sleep on. Then we got in bed while we watched disney channel. I fell asleep during Phineas and Ferb.When I woke up the next morning it was before anyone else was up, except for the Becky, who was going out the door for work. When Hannah and Kamihle got up they played on poptropica while I played on the Wii.Then we played outside for a little and then went inside and helped Hannah defeat Mythology island. Then we went downstairs to play on the Wii. Then it was time for her dad to drop us of at kid's korner. We played for a little then Mom came to pick Jackson, Violet, Jayse, and us. There wasn't enough room for Kamihle and I, so we went with Hannah in Betsy's van. We got home a few min. before mom so Hannah, Kamihle and I played one last time, and after mom came home she and Betsy talked for a while and then Betsy left with Hannah. But Hannah gets to stay the night at our house tomorrow. I can't wait!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Yesterday I left off on my story at pulling out my tooth. Now I've got a gift. The rest of the story goes like this: after I wrote that post from yesterday, I checked my facebook page, played on Poptropica for a little, and went to bed. Then my mom woke me up in the butcrack of dawn because the dog had gone diariea and so she had come to warn us. As she left the room, I looked at the place where I had put my tooth. In its place was a Barnes and Nobles member card!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Today, an important event happened. You know what happened? I lost a tooth!! This is what happened. I was playing on Poptropica and wiggeling my tooth as always(it was a habit I had gotten into). Then, all of a sudden, I saw blood on my finger. I was like Huh? What the heck is blood doing on my finger?? Then I realized that my tooth had become looser. So I started to pull, and pull... and suddenly it came out. It didn't even hurt! I went up to the bathroom and washed out my mouth, got a cup out f the kitchen,and put my tooth in there. thats the end folks! Bye!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Finally Arrived

I finally got back home yesterday! I am going to tell you everything thats happened since I last wrote. First, my Grandma and Aunt Becca dropped my sister Kamihle and I at our house. When my mom came back, us three had a happy reunion. We went to the store and bought a few necessary supplies for the house. Then, my sister and I played on Poptropica for a little. Our mom went and picked up our brothers and sister from the day-care. Then we had dinner, we had our baths, and the little kids went off to bed. Kamihle, me, and my mom, Erica,played two games of Rummikube. Then we went to bed. The next morning, by the time I woke up, the little kids were at day care and Mom and Kamihle were uo and dressed. I got up slowly, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. We went to the Tribal police to get a tag for our dog, went to Starbucks, and back to the house. After a few hours Mom went and picked up the kids. We ran through the sprinklers when the kids got back. Then I made supper and Kamihle made dessert. The kids went upstairs with Kamihle to watch a movie and I got on my blog and here I am write now, writing a new post. I also got my hair cut.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Swimming at the pool

Hi folks! I have a lot to tell you guys. Yesterday I went swimming at my Grandma's work's pool. It was a lot of fun! We (my sister Kamihle and I) went in the hot tub first. Then, we swam in the cool pool for a little. I did a one hand handstand in the water! I also did one backwards, to.

Then we got out and ate lunch. It was delicious! Then we got in the hot tub for a little, then back into the pool. We played tag and a game we made up. our cousin came in later. Then, sadly, it was time to go. So we got dressed and left. But we had a lot of fun. TONS of it.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Early in the Morning

Hi everybody! Did you know I've been up ever since 5:00? Well, I have. I'm going to to tell you everything that happened from 5:0o to 7:13. First(of course!)I got up. Then my aunt,Becca, left. My Grandma got up a few hours after that. She then walked the dogs for a minutes. Then she came and did her e-mail and did a new post on her blog. I read while she did that stuff. (oh, did I mention that I've read 65 books this summer? Well, I have!). Then she let me get on her computer. And now I'm writing this post.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Days at my Grandma's house

Hi peeps! Sorry that I haven't written for such a lo-o-o-o-o-o-n-g. Anyway, a lot has happened since I last wrote. I have a new baby brother, and my mom's pregnant again. It's a girl. I'm going to be the oldest out of six kids! And there's only a few weeks until my birthday.I am so excited! But back to the topic. I have been staying the past few night's at my Grandma Pat's. She has a blog also. It's called '' Unraveling a Life" . But anyway, back to the story.

Today my sister, my cousin {who's four} and I played with our Grandma's Boxer dogs, who are named Cinnamon and Holly. We did lot's of things. First we went to the park. The dogs went to the park with us [we didn't have to walk to far, the park is basically our backyard!]. Then we went back to the house and played in the grass with the dogs. We had a lot of fun! First we raced the dogs, then did a contest to see who was the most obedient dog. Cinnamon won, by the way. Then we did a dog fashion show and then raced again. And thats what happened today.THE END.