Monday, August 23, 2010

Hey People!!!

Hey people! sorry its been such a long time since I have wrote! I have so much to tell you!! First is that I'm going to another school! In another town! I'm going to live with my grandma there. Its an hour away from where I live. And I won't even be able to see my best friend Kaitlynn until the weekend! And we're not just any sort of friends! Because we're TRUE friends. Plus, I'm already going into FIFTH GRADE!! I still can't believe it!! And tomorrows the school barbecue, where we (meaning my sis and I) meet our teachers! Like I said peeps, I'm excited, scared, and i think you call this feeling NERVOUS. Well that's all for tonight folks!


  1. It is always stressful to start a new school..I would get sick to my stomach when I was little and had to change schools!! You will do fine, you are cute, have really nice clothes, and are nice so you will make lots of friends the first day..maybe even tomorrow at the BBQ, then you will already have friends to hang out with on your first day!! WW will be a lot better for you, you will have a ton of activities to do and it will be easier for gma to take you to them!!! AND you can ALWAYS come home if you aren't happy!!!!!

    Love you!


  2. Yeah, I hope I make friends at the barbecue, and don't worry, i'll call you if anything bad happens.
